Friday, April 25, 2008


Its hard to believe but in just a week the semester will be over and I will enter into a three month long break. My goal is to avoid the trappings of such a break and stay active. So far I've wasted my Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring breaks. There are a ton of books I'd like to read and undoubtedly more I need to read before the summer is over. Moreover, I've relocated from a small town of 3,000 to a decent sized metropolitan area and though I have been to several of the attractions in St. Louis before, I have not gone to one museum since I moved here back in August.
I'd like to go to the gym at least 3 times, ideally 4/5 times a week, I also hope I can get through many of the Enlightenment Philosophers, among others, in preparation for my Modern Philosophy class in the Fall.
Each break is like a new year, each time I make a resolution - here's hoping I stick to this one.

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