Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lie to Me

The beauty of Fox's Lie to Me  is not lost on me. It oversimplifies science, dramatizes a profession, introduces sexy people into a not-so-sexy person job, and enables a 'job' to be finished within the span of an hour - this last point is cited often in TV shows because of the lack of chronology and continuity in the shows; the viewer has no conception of time. 
Yet, it does in simplistic terms what science sets out to do. Namely, unify us. Lie to Me claims that there are universal attributes that all people share and that these attributes are impossible to overcome and ignore. They make up the very fabric of our humanity. I realize that this is a simplistic rendition of actual psychology and body language but at the same time I believe that science tells us the same thing in much more complex terms. 

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